Monday, March 28, 2011

I realized today that...

I have only six more weeks left here in Mexico. At this point in my trip I'm not really sure how I should be feeling about this discovery. I'm having an absolute blast here. I have met so many great people, formed amazing friendships, and have been immersed in a rich culture. In fact, I have become so immersed within the Mexican culture, day to day activities, and way of life that I honestly have forgotten what my life in America is like. I forgot what I do on a day to day basis. I still can't even remember what my car looks like, and it will be interesting to drive again. 

At the same time Mexico has taught me some important lessons. One of them being the concept of time. Sometimes it is very frustrating when things never start on time, or when you arrive on time for a class but the professor shows up 20 minutes late then keeps you 20 minutes later than the class is supposed to end. That being said I have learned that in general I need to slow down. I don't mean that when I return to the U.S. I'm going to be late everywhere, or have no sense of time at all. Instead my time here has taught me that life is short so don't be in a rush to finish it. I'm an individual who is always concerned what time it is, about what activities I have this week, and I constantly stress about multiple aspects of my life. When I return to the U.S. things are going to be different. I'm going to take time to "stop and smell the coffee" instead of engulfing it between meetings. 

I still have several items on my "Mexico Bucket List" so I will spend these last several weeks finishing items on that list as well as traveling. I have trips planned for this weekend, and next weekend. Then two weeks from this Friday will be the beginning to Spring Break aka Semana Santa! 

I do miss everyone back home, and I cannot wait to see them but I'm going to enjoy these weeks as if they were my last on Earth :)

Hasta Luego,

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

No Wonder They Hate Us.....

I have realized the past couple of days why foreigners have such a horrible perception of Americans. For personal reasons I don't want to reveal how I came about this, but I just saw with my own two eyes how horrible Americans can treat people sometimes. I think that people in our country have a really hard time realizing that we aren't the only nation that has an education system, college graduates, and all those other traits that make a functioning country. I think it is horrible how we think we have the right to talk down to foreign people like they are stupid, pieces of shit.

The saddest part of the whole thing is that it only takes one person treating someone from a different country like crap in order for us to get a bad reputation. That bad moment or experience is forever overshadowed by the fact that there are people in other countries, and in the U.S. making lifelong bonds with those from other regions of the world.

It is moments like this that make me very disappointed in our citizens....not in everyone, but only those who are condescending towards non-Americans.

That is all of my ranting for tonight.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

10 Things I have Learned in Mexico

Wow. This is probably the longest time I have ever had between blog postings. Well with good reasoning. I have been really busy with midterms, and traveling, and enjoying Mexico. Its really crazy to think that I'm more than halfway done with my study abroad experience. It has FLOWN by. In less than two months I will be back in the U.S. I literally can't even imagine myself being there. I can't imagine hearing people speak English, being able to drink the water, eating the American food again, driving, and in general being in a developed country. Well until then I will just continue to enjoy the rest of my time in Mexico. I have trips planned every weekend from now through Semana Santa (Holy Week/Easter). I have been thinking a lot the past couple days (I know bad idea), and decided I would come up with a list of all the things I have learned thus far in Mexico. Some things I have learned about the country, some about myself, and others about life in general.

1) I have never been more proud to be an American. I do love being in Mexico, and really love all of the people here, but being abroad really makes you appreciate all of the privileges, and rights you have in the U.S.

2) I have learned soo much Spanish. I mean I always knew that I would improve my Spanish speaking capabilities here, but never knew how much. After learning so much about the language I know that when I return home I want to find someway to use it in my future career.

3) I have found out who really is special in my life. I always knew that family, friends, and girlfriends were important to me, but being abroad has made me really appreciate them even more.

4) Social networking/communication is so necessary in this day. I have NEVER been more thankful for Gmail calling, Skype, and Facebook. Without them I honestly don't know how I would ever be surviving.

5) Although Mexico might be geographically close to the U.S they have nothing in common. Everything from the language, history, culture, and people is different.

6) I have learned that there is so much world out there for me to see. I better get traveling if I want to see it all.

7) I have realized that anything I put my mind to, and focus on I can achieve. I never would have ever thought I would be succeeding in a business class being taught in a foreign language, or that I could ever have an argument with a professor about social problems in Spanish.

8) My life in pretty good compared to other peoples. Right when you think you have the suckiest possible life you meet someone from another country who you talk to and think, "Damn their life much really suck."

9) To some people when they visit Mexico they might wonder how they are living here. I have learned that it isn't as bad as it seems. Their life works for them, and that is all that matters, right?

10) In general I realize that I'm really lucky. Not many people get to have a study abroad experience. I'm so thankful that I have had this opportunity, and know it will benefit me so much in the future.

That is enough thinking for right now. I have homework to get done. Yes, for those who are wondering I do actually have classes here. Actually I have five classes...and they aren't as easy as I thought they were going to be.

I leave you with a picture from my recent trip...enjoy :) Hasta Luego-Chris