Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I can't believe the time has come...

I honestly can't believe the time has come for me to return to the U.S. Lately I have been feeling so many different feelings about going home. Obviously, I'm so very excited to see everyone that I love and miss dearly back home, but at the the same time I can't remember what life was life before I came to Mexico. When people told me that eventually I would become immersed in the culture of Mexico I laughed. However, now as I prepare to go back home I know exactly what they meant. I have become completely immersed in the culture and language that define Mexico.

This study abroad experience has truly been amazing. I honestly can't even begin to describe all of the things that happened, and how I have grown as a person from this experience. As difficult as it will be to leave Mexico in 7 days I realize that this is just one part of my life. My time here in Mexico is something I will carry with me forever and ever, but now I realize the time has come for me to move on with my life. In 6 days I will be a senior in college. Scary thought, I know. I have really been thinking about what an exciting time in my life this is right now. I'm about to return home from a semester studying abroad, I'm going to start my last official summer break, and then in a couple months I'm going to either apply to graduate school, find a job, or both! I return to the U.S. with knowledge, memories, and motivation that will serve me will in my future.

I don't know exactly what my future entails.  I have no way of knowing exactly what is going to happen, and that used to bother me. One important thing I have learned about Mexico is to "slow down and smell the coffee." This doesn't mean that I have become unmotivated or will no longer work hard, but rather I will appreciate the times when I don't need to. Right now, I stand at the doorsteps of my future, BUT for the next three months I'm not going to enter the house :)

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