Monday, March 28, 2011

I realized today that...

I have only six more weeks left here in Mexico. At this point in my trip I'm not really sure how I should be feeling about this discovery. I'm having an absolute blast here. I have met so many great people, formed amazing friendships, and have been immersed in a rich culture. In fact, I have become so immersed within the Mexican culture, day to day activities, and way of life that I honestly have forgotten what my life in America is like. I forgot what I do on a day to day basis. I still can't even remember what my car looks like, and it will be interesting to drive again. 

At the same time Mexico has taught me some important lessons. One of them being the concept of time. Sometimes it is very frustrating when things never start on time, or when you arrive on time for a class but the professor shows up 20 minutes late then keeps you 20 minutes later than the class is supposed to end. That being said I have learned that in general I need to slow down. I don't mean that when I return to the U.S. I'm going to be late everywhere, or have no sense of time at all. Instead my time here has taught me that life is short so don't be in a rush to finish it. I'm an individual who is always concerned what time it is, about what activities I have this week, and I constantly stress about multiple aspects of my life. When I return to the U.S. things are going to be different. I'm going to take time to "stop and smell the coffee" instead of engulfing it between meetings. 

I still have several items on my "Mexico Bucket List" so I will spend these last several weeks finishing items on that list as well as traveling. I have trips planned for this weekend, and next weekend. Then two weeks from this Friday will be the beginning to Spring Break aka Semana Santa! 

I do miss everyone back home, and I cannot wait to see them but I'm going to enjoy these weeks as if they were my last on Earth :)

Hasta Luego,

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